Lectionary Readings for June 6, 2021
Reading One: Genesis 3:8-15 (NRSV)
Song: The God Who Stays (lyrics here)
God’s cry of “Where are you?” in Genesis 3 is heartbreaking, because it is a question that speaks to the shame of the man and woman rather than to God’s supposed unawareness. God is calling them to reflect on the place of hiding to which sin has brought them. Do you also know that desire to hide from God, that place where shame causes you to shrink back from the one who created you and loves you? Spend some time with God being honest about your own struggles with shame, and giving thanks to him for the cross of Christ which lifts the burden of guilt and shame. The same God who walked in the garden now invites you to walk with him free from that weight.
Reading Two: Psalm 130 (NRSV)
Song: Out of the Depths (lyrics here)
This is an interesting psalm to place between the Old Testament reading from Genesis 3 and the New Testament readings, because it speaks to the idea of waiting for God’s redemption. When Psalm 130 was written the people of God were still waiting for his ultimate redemption: waiting, watching, and trusting in his steadfast love. How have you known seasons of waiting for God to work his redemptive power in your life? What has helped you to hope and hold on to trust? If, like the psalmist, you know right now what it means to exist in “the depths,” how is God inviting you to cry out to him while you wait?
Reading Three: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 (NRSV)
Song: It Is Well (lyrics here)
Paul’s words remind us that the “momentary afflictions” we experience in this life are preparing us for an “eternal weight of glory.” Like the Hebrews singing Psalm 130 who yearned for God’s redemption, we, too, await a final redemption that will come when we are in God’s presence for eternity. Until then, we take comfort in the fact that “the waves and wind still know his name,” a truth which helps us to not lose heart. What helps you to keep your eyes on Christ even when the struggles of this present life seem overwhelming? How might you ask God to “renew your inner nature” today, enabling you to keep your eyes on what cannot be seen?
Reading Four: Mark 3:20-35 (NRSV)
Song: Your Will Be Done (lyrics here)
This is a difficult passage full of difficult words. From the accusations of the crowd to the teaching of the “unforgiveable sin,” to Jesus’ seeming dismissal of his family…it can be hard to read. But there is a beautiful invitation in the midst of it, an invitation to be identified with the family of Christ. In this passage Jesus points to doing the will of God as the mark of his family. As one author puts it,
“A network of relationships created by common obedience to the will of God, melted together by love at each intersection, and motivated to a ministry of service, is Jesus’ idea of His family.” —David L. McKenna
As we seek to be people centered around the will of God, this song provides simple yet powerful lyrics of prayer for us. As our final reflection you’re invited to sit with these lyrics stanza by stanza, meditating on them and seeing how they speak to your own desire to do the will of God. As you read and contemplate, offer them to God as your own prayer.
Your will be done, my God and Father
As in Heaven, so on earth
My heart is drawn to self exalting
Help me seek Your kingdom first
As Jesus walked, so I shall walk
Held by Your same unchanging love
Be still my soul
Oh, lift your voice and pray
Father not my will but Yours be done
How in that garden he persisted
I may never fully know
The fearful weight of true obedience
It was held by him alone
What wondrous faith, to bear that cross
To bear my sin, what wondrous love
My hope was sure
When there my Savior prayed
Father not my will but Yours be done
When I am lost, when I am broken
In the night of fear and doubt
Still I will trust in my good Father
Yes, to one great King I bow!
As Jesus rose, so I shall rise
In ransomed glory at the throne
My heart restored
With all your saints I sing
Father, not my will but Yours be done
As we go forth, our God and Father
Lead us daily in the fight
That all the world might see Your glory
And Your Name be lifted high
And in this Name we overcome
For You shall see us safely home
Now as your church
We lift our voice and pray
Father, not my will but Yours be done
Credits: Rich Thompson, Jonny Robinson
CCLI: 7149566