Second Sunday of Easter
Readings from the Revised Common Lectionary
Some have called this passage “Luke’s definition of the church.” What principles in this passage are reflective of how the body of Christ is supposed to function?
What does it mean to be “of one heart and soul?” Why is that such a difficult reality to find in our churches, families, and other relationships?
These believers lived lives of radical sacrifice and stewardship. In what ways does God call us to sacrifice and stewardship today? Are we willing to hold our wealth and possessions as loosely as these early disciples did?
Once again, the theme of God’s people living in unity is front and center. How have you experienced the beauty of unity, as described in verse 1?
Oil is often used as an image of the Holy Spirit, especially when it is linked to the Old Testament rituals of anointing (e.g. 1 Samuel 16:13). In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is referred to as bringing unity (Ephesians 4:1-3). Spend some time reflecting on the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing unity to God’s people, and praying that the Spirit would have freedom to bring that work into your circle of relationships.
Verse 3 paints a picture as unity coming as a blessing from God. How do we understand unity? Do we see it as the result of human effort or divine gifting? How does the balance between those two function?
Compare the opening verses of this reading to the opening verses of John’s gospel. How are they similar? How is your soul stirred by these words?
John is pleading with the readers to keep their hearts focused on light and truth, and to seek repentance and forgiveness when they wander from them. What helps you stay focused on God’s light and truth? What practices can you incorporate into your life to keep you centered on them?
John refers to Jesus as our “advocate” (2:1). The Greek word he uses carries images of one who comes alongside us as a mediator and a helper. How have you experienced Jesus in that way?
Jesus comes and miraculously stands in the midst of the fearful disciples and offers them peace. What fears have a tendency to lock you up, and how can you invite Jesus into them so that you might experience his peace, comfort, and power?
Jesus meets Thomas in his doubt and uncertainty. He does not shame Thomas, but invites him to experience the truth of the resurrection. Spend some time with God expressing your own journey of doubt, and invite Jesus to reveal himself to you even in the midst of doubt and uncertainty.
Verses 30-31 declare John’s purpose in writing his gospel. In what ways do we find the word of God strengthening our faith? What tools and practices are helpful in that journey for you? If you struggle to think of any, who is a trusted friend you can turn to for advice and encouragement as you open yourself more to the power of God’s word?*
As you finish, choose one of these four texts and let it guide you into a time of prayer.
*Feel free to email us, We would be privileged to direct you towards some wonderful resources for engaging God’s word in a journey of encouragement and transformation.