Second Sunday in Lent
Readings from the Revised Common Lectionary
In this passage Abram becomes Abraham, and Sarai becomes Sarah. Think of other instances in Scripture when someone receives a new name. Why do you think that happens? What does it say about the call of God on their life?
Put yourself in the sandals of Abraham or Sarah. How would you have received the promises of God in this covenant? How would you have responded?
When God appears to him, Abram falls on his face. Are there times in your life when you have been overwhelmed by the presence of God? How have these experiences shaped you?
This section of Psalm 22 serves as a call to worship. What reasons are given for worshiping God? What response is asked of the worshiper? Is there something in this passage that resonates with you that you might incorporate into your own life of worship?
Verse 23 invites the one worshiping God to “praise him,” “glorify him,” and “stand in awe of him.” How do you see the relationship between these postures? How are they similar? How are they different?
The psalmist says in verse 25, “From you comes my praise in the great congregation.” The image is of a Jewish feast such as Passover. What “great congregations” in your past have been helpful in your walk with God? What friends and family have helped you understand what it means to worship and follow him?
In this passage Paul emphasizes faith in the life of Abraham, who believed God and it “was reckoned to him as righteousness.” (v. 22) How do you understand the relationship between faith and righteousness? What other biblical characters most exemplify faith for you? Who in your life has exemplified faith for you?
Paul says that Abraham “hoped against hope” (v. 18) as he held on to God’s promises. When in your life have you “hoped against hope?” How did God show up in those times for you?
Spend some time reflecting on verses 24-25 and how they speak to us in this season of Lent.
Why do you think Peter rebuked Jesus in verse 33? What can we learn from Jesus’ response?
Jesus calls his followers to three things in verse 34: denying self, taking up our cross, and following him. How has each of these played out in your own walk of faith, and in which can you see an opportunity for God to take you deeper?
What do you think it means to “be ashamed of Jesus’ words” as he says in verse 38? Spend some time in prayer asking God to give you courage and boldness in your witness, and spiritual discernment for how to share your faith in an authentic and loving ways.
As you finish, choose one of these four texts and let it guide you into a time of prayer.